I'm New to Church
We know how it can feel walking into a church and having no idea what is happening. Why are the crowds saying strange words like “Hallelujah” or “Hosanna?” What is with the big bath tub? Why do churches eat the cracker and drink the tiniest cup of juice in the world?
Take a look below to discover a little bit about what happens at a church!
Each week in our services, we have the opportunity to worship God through music. Our desire is the same as that of the Psalmists who desire to “Sing the praises of theLORD, you his faithful people; praise his holy name.” Sometimes we sing only a few songs, sometimes we sing more songs. Either way, our music team desires to lead each person in the church to a place of humble worship. You may see people raising their hands during worship – this is not required by anyone, but some people choose to lift their hands as a posture of gratitude and humility.
Communion is a celebration for people who have chosen to follow Jesus. Stemming from the Jewish Passover festival, communion was instituted by Jesus for us to remember His body that was sacrificed to pay for our sins and His blood that initiates a new covenant with us – allowing us to relate to God personally.
Baptism is a simple illustration of being washed. It is a picture of Christ’s death and resurrection; a picture of new birth. When a person gives their life to Jesus, baptism is a logical next step for that person to publicly confess what Jesus has done in washing their sin (wrong-doings) away. If you are interested in discussing baptism or scheduling one, please contact us.
We consider giving an act of worship. The apostle Paul, instructed Timothy regarding the churches Timothy was leading, “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share” (I Tim. 6:18). We know that nothing we have is our own, so we choose to pool our resources and watch God do amazing things with our collective resources that we could not do individually. We also collect our “Guest Cards” which allow us to love our people well.
Each sermon that is preached comes from the Holy Bible and usually lasts about 30 minutes. Sometimes we will preach on a particular topic (such as Prayer, Marriage, Parenting, or Relationships) while other times we will teach verse by verse on a selected book of the Bible.
We know that children are important to God. Our children’s ministry is not simple babysitting. We care that our ministry is fun, biblical, safe, and facilitates godly relationships.